To combat this trend, a rolling programme of new regulations is being introduced over a three-year period.
They have a rolling programme of building development and refurbishment to reach all parts of the school over the next 10 to 15 years.
The development was run as a "rolling programme" so local people could continue living in the area during the building work.
You take out your 25 percent in a few years, and you have a rolling program of sales.
From there the disposition of the engines is controlled and they are regularly changed over under a rolling programme.
So as that we could have the rolling programme.
The work is carried out through a rolling programme, and the results are published in the official journal of the European Community.
Apple has said this is a rolling program, which will take longer to implement across more regions.
An attempt was made to develop the forest for growing wood by a rolling programme of inclosures.
It is a rolling programme that will last the lifetime of this Parliament.