Infrared sensors were all but useless in the rolling expanse of tall tigergrass.
"Check number one," said Holmes, looking gloomily over the rolling expanse of the moor.
He moved swiftly across the rolling expanse of finely manicured lawn, making no effort at concealment while his mental alarm clock ticked off the numbers until doomsday.
The day she had turned from the rolling green expanse, the endless rows of white markers at Arlington National Cemetery and flown home without a word to anyone.
In moments, it too disappeared across the rolling expanse of the moors.
Standing not a hundred ells away, separated from the companions only by the rolling expanse of river, stood a black-garbed figure holding a bow as long as he was tall.
To the left was the rolling expanse of Prospect Park, where red and yellow leaves were still clinging to the trees.
A family of wild turkeys strutted alongside the road just before the woods gave way to a rolling expanse of scrub country covered with patches of snow.
These days, though, there's trouble brewing on Cuixmala, which is nestled inside the 32,473-acre Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve, a rolling expanse of federally protected coastal land.
Nasuada frowned at the thick, choking dust that drifted across the rolling expanse of grass.