Even with the rolled blanket that separated them, at his insistence, Helen was intensely aware of the man.
Regapisk didn't see what Arshur had packed in a rolled blanket.
With a rolled blanket under a heavy lap robe, he faked the presence of a man on the rear floor.
He carried a light bow, a rolled blanket across his back, and waterskins at both hips.
His head fell back on the rolled blanket behind him.
Quite often a rolled blanket was strapped to the handle-bars on top of this.
They made the bottom of the load as even as possible, and filled the spaces between boxes with rolled blankets.
Kleinschmidt fell back against the rolled blanket he used as a pillow.
Together they put a rolled blanket under Jord's head, as if that might be of benefit.
If none can be found, use a rolled blanket or clothing.