However, his role in the early part of the Tuskegee study and in the Guatemala syphilis experiments prompted the association to consider renaming the award.
Piniella's role in turning the Mariners into winners prompted ownership recently to extend his contract through 2000.
As a result the Irish's particularly visible role prompted complaints and allegations from other ethnic groups such as the Germans who wanted more representation.
And his dual role prompts such devilishly clever lines as "I've just seen the prince go in this way and that way at the same time."
The squad's role in the shooting prompted State's Attorney Patricia Jessamy to drop the charges.
During a conversation that followed, President Putin admitted that Zhzhonov's roles had prompted him to become an intelligence officer.
The role of temperature in reptilian reproduction has prompted speculation that temperature might have been a factor in the extinction of dinosaurs.
This and perlecan's role as endorepellin prompted one study into the nature of perlecan expression regulation by endothelial cells during hypoxic conditions.
She admitted that her role as head of the family business initially prompted some second-guessing.
The American role has prompted accusations that the Egyptian authorities are acting at Washington's behest in prosecuting the son of the nation's greatest hero.