Effie Woods received the role of their younger sister, Priya.
Bio-tech there still plays the role of pharma's little sister, but many outsiders have high expectations for the future.
Mamatsu Hayashi is playing the role of Kouhei's younger sister.
Akane played the role of Himesaki's sister, and together they gave erotic performances in maid costumes.
She plays the role of Apoorva's sister in his fake family.
She also played the role of Natalie's mentally ill sister, Janet Green from 1991 to 1992 and 2005 to 2007.
"Do you not feel amiss after you have played the role of your dark sister?"
Forta cried with horror, still in the role of my distraught sister.
The actress Mary Lee often starred alongside her, playing the role of her younger sister.
She would play the role of Ben's worried sister and take over the rent.