They said that physically and mentally, Clarett falls short of what the role demands.
When in a relationship, they behave appropriately for what the situation or their role demands.
The role demands being able to make people believe in your sincerity, something Mr. Benson hasn't quite got the hang of.
A Canadian tenor with a huge, powerful voice, he summoned every bit of the pathos and violence that the role demands.
Therefore, segmentation is the antithesis of spillover theory in which it is assumed that one can actively compartmentalize competing role demands.
From a hot-head who has done time for killing a man, he develops into a union organiser who discovers the eloquence his new role demands.
Mr. Viertel said he wanted Ms. Chenoweth to play the lead partly because of the versatility the role demands.
Miss Ringwald seems much more assured and less pouty than she has in earlier films, projecting the sweetness and confident sensuality that the role demands.
One of them is a ridiculous, self-obsessed faux modern dancer (Donna English, lacking the command the role demands).
Mr. Julia makes a fine, cynical MacHeath, with all the wiliness and power that the role demands.