It is said that Kean's role in the sealing disaster of 1914 caused difficulty among voters.
The bankruptcy, and Merrill's role in it, caused lasting damage to the county's finances that it will continue to deal with for years, he said.
Her public role as a legal representative of the former regime caused her to face repeated death threats.
Gessen's role in both of these events is unclear but has caused controversy.
His role in the desegregation cases has caused friction with some African American leaders.
The central role played by Kennedy supporters has caused some concern among moderate Democrats.
Your new role as a caregiver may cause feelings you didn't expect.
Hribar's role in Slovenian public life after 1991 caused controversy.
But a senior official said the central role played by China had caused the Administration to "discard the Iraq template."
Everything else, most specifically the role of strep in causing the symptoms, "is nothing but speculation."