"It's a knotty one," said the Brit, picking his way toward the naked rocky spine of the island.
It was quiet here beneath the palms, high up on the rocky spine of the island.
The summit sits on a short rocky spine, set at right angles to the ridge.
Cornwallhas a rocky spine of hills running the entire length of the peninsula.
Oryx and springbok stand on rocky spines to catch the breeze.
And the best place for finding such a perch was the snow-streaked rocky spine.
So, it could be that he was not alone, that more than his animal visitor had once moved with purpose along this rocky spine.
Instead, nature was moved to somewhere convenient, to the rocky spine of Manhattan where the scree held almost no organic material at all.
He crossed the lagoon along the rocky spine of the narrow breakwater on the left.
Then they were past, bobbing up over the rocky spine and gone, their motors rumbling out of hearing.