Behind, the fractured hills ended in a bank of rocky rubble.
It wasn't really a precipice, just a steep incline of rocky rubble and tough little bushes, but quite a scramble for a man with city clothes on.
The island slopes away to the west and ends with a moonscape of small volcanoes, rocky rubble, and hot red sand.
White lines of chaos lashed at the rocky rubble.
It seemed nothing but a tremendous level field covered with rocky rubble.
In hilly country where rocky rubble, ashlar, and pieces of stone are available, these can be patched together with a mud mortar to form walls.
I had known what to expect, and yet it was dampening to the spirits to behold a heap of rocky rubble that completely concealed whatever lay beyond.
Now it was a barren ditch, choked with mud and rocky rubble.
Some scientists think it may be a collection of rocky rubble that coalesced around the Red Planet soon after its formation.
This fish is a substrate spawner (lays eggs on substrate), utilizing the rocky rubble to do so.