In Mexico, fireworks, especially large rockets called "cohetones" are a staple of patron-saint festivals.
With further improvements of the solid fuel system, a similar rocket called HCRS-3 was Launched all the way up to 2 000 m.
Also popular are rail guns, and miniaturized rockets inappropriately called Mini-Missiles, as they have no guidance system.
In the last year, the guerrillas received shoulder-held anti-aircraft rockets, called Stingers, from the United States.
By all accounts, the space-based rockets, called kinetic kill vehicles, would be the most difficult element, technically, of the interceptor system.
There, he started to develop a new rocket called A4 (Aggregat 4).
In April 2012, North Korea launched a rocket called Bright Star 3.
What made them particularly risky was the volatile quality of their payload: high-energy rockets called Centaurs.
A longtime designer of innovative aircraft, he plans to shoot his creation, a rocket called SpaceShipOne, 62 miles above the earth.
The rockets, called RPG-7, for rocket-propelled grenades, can hit targets more than 1,500 feet away.