At the same instant, the powdered rockets burst into action.
"And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air ..." Alfi Runstedt sang the words as he dug, although he had no idea of their meaning.
The rockets burst all around him, lances of fire that lashed the American position.
The rocket is extremely pompous and self-important, and denigrates all the other fireworks, eventually bursting into tears to demonstrate his "sensitivity".
Banks imagined Gloria struggling to give birth as Catherine-wheels spun and jumping crackers and bangers exploded outside in the street, as Volcanoes erupted dark red fire, changing to green, then white, and rockets burst into showers of bright colors in the darkness beyond the bedroom windows.
"And the rockets red glare, The bombs bursting in air . . ." The bandmaster held up his baton, and the bandsmen paused significantly.
At every dodge and turn steering rockets burst into furious activity and the projectiles rushed ever nearer.
Tail and port-side rockets burst into roaring activity and soon the plane was cautiously approaching the mass of wreckage, which had been the IPV Arcturus.
The rockets the bombs bursting the way Francis Scott Key wrote?
Utterly invisible and undetectable she dove downward, and not until she was well below the crater's rim did the forward rockets burst into furious life.