Once this was filled, progress would be quicker, for then the rock torn from the mountain side could be tipped direct into the deep river which ran a hundred and fifty feet below at the foot of the sheer drop to Krolli's right.
I heard the agony of rock being cut and torn in a thousand places on the surface of my skin, and I wept at the thousand deaths of stone and soil, of plants that thinly held to life between the stone and the sky.
The glacier's shuddering under her feet was continuous, and Silverhair could feel its agonizingly sluggish progress through its valley, and she could hear the low-pitched grind and crack of the compressed ice as it forced its way through the rock, and the high-pitched scream of the rock itself being shattered and torn away.
The descent was difficult, since it was covered with jagged fragments of rock torn from the walls.
We watched rock and landscape being torn, aircraft exploding, machines destroying other machines... and imagined flesh shredding.
So, panting, tumbling against rocks, torn by brambles, impeded by ferns and reeds, I helped to pursue the Leopard-man who had broken the Law, and the Hyena-swine ran, laughing savagely, by my side.
Most maars have low rims composed of a mixture of loose fragments of volcanic rocks and rocks torn from the walls of the diatreme.