The visual character of Aarburg is shaped by the fortification and the church on a rock spur.
On the rock spur, near the castle, a church was raised up between 1842 and 1845 in the new gothic style.
Dominating the old city is a narrow, extended rock spur, on which one finds the Aarburg fortress.
Then he crawled along the shore and out onto the little rock spur, far enough to be well hidden.
The area between the face of the rock spur and the fallen rock has been termed a "cave" in some publications.
But it was too late- fighters from both contingents began pouring around the rock spur.
So she should catch sight of some rock spur, some stretch of country she could remember.
Caspar's stripped bike was tied to the rock spur by the safety rope, and the rear wheel hung down below.
Tom sat up so quickly that he hit his head sharply on a projecting rock spur, and, for the moment he "saw stars."
A semicircular bay with arched windows projects out on a rock spur.