The bubbles floated upward, rocking side to side, then were lost against the bright surface of the water.
Before Data could answer, the Haakona was rocked side to side by a large impact.
"I had followed that house," she said, rocking side to side, remembering how tough things looked back then.
In front of me I could see Connor rocking side to side while inching forward.
She had returned once more, wailing with grief, rocking side to side like the clapper of a bell.
The end pieces, which are often shaped similar to a rocking chair to facilitate rocking side to side, hold the main board at sitting height.
Soon the boat was rocking side to side on heavy seas.
Mr. Wilson rocked side to side in his chair, slowly.
There's a couple of boats, but they ain't moving - they're just rocking side to side.
I could tell that it didn't seem to be moving-moving, as in rocking side to side.