In 1910-12 the cement industry killed the sandstone industry, and rock production stopped.
Vocals are deeper in the mix of a more polished rock production.
It's built into the music; where typical rock productions eliminate mistakes to create the illusion of unassailable assurance, the Mekons insist on human imperfection.
What will be more compelling is when (and if) Burton can ultimately employ his auteur philosophy in rock production.
The video was deliberately less slick than the normal polished rock production, filmed with normal fans in a normal town in the 'middle of nowhere'.
"Black Cat" departed from Jackson's typical musical style, being the sole rock production of the album.
Mark gained expertise in engineering and mixing records and in classic rock production and orchestral techniques, working as an assistant to Sir George Martin.
In 1973 the band released their sole album Melos, a brilliant Italian symphonic progressive rock production.
The album was chosen by "Rolling Stone" magazine in Argentina as one of the best rock productions of the country.
It sounds really '80s to me, an '80s rock production.