Its name comes from the rock pinnacles at the top of the fall.
There are some 14,000 climbing routes on over 1,100 rock pinnacles.
Ahead lay the open area, sparsely studded with rock pinnacles.
Trying to land on the side of a rock pinnacle from a boat that's pitching around in the surf would be difficult and dangerous.
She watched the image with her right eye, leaving the left free to pick the rock pinnacles that needed clearing from the crack.
The many rock pinnacles have formed stone forest similar to limestone outcrops in southern China.
To the east is the summit of the Kapuzenturm, a striking and isolated rock pinnacle.
Save for the rock pinnacles which guarded the pass, there was no other break in the flat surface of the ground for miles.
Being thrown against sharp rock pinnacles jutting out from the valley side is another worry.
It was not so much a mountain as a rock pinnacle towering up out of the wasteland.