The barren rock palisades that made Half-Circle bore no greenery at all, winter or summer, but it was wise to check the marshes and beaches.
Sigvatson, who was standing with his arm around the great dragon prow of the lead ship, gazing through the dying mist into the distance, pointed to a shadow in the steep rock palisades looming around a slight bend.
It was high above the incoming tide that battered diligently at the rock palisade.
Xylina had not slept well herself; she kept starting up at every shriek or scream, every howl and bark, expecting monsters to come swarming over her rock palisade at any moment.
As they drove on so the shape of the hills hardened, becoming a sheer rock palisade below which were spread the open mopani forests.
Thousands of people must live in the cliffholds and cottages that hugged the rock palisade.