They take them to the paleontology laboratory at the visitor center, where the fossils are stabilized, separated from their rock matrix, and cleaned.
Excavation and preparation of Bucky was relatively easy because the surrounding rock matrix was soft.
The brain, like mine, would consist of atomic spin states superimposed on a crystalline rock matrix.
The bone was damaged during initial preparation but was freed from the surrounding rock matrix by an acid bath between 1975 and 1977.
The skull was excavated in 1941, but was not removed from its rock matrix until 1995.
Supporting data: Location of spherules in the rock matrix is random and evenly spread.
Archie's law postulates that the rock matrix is non-conductive.
In an ordinary kimberilte pipe, diamonds were distributed sparsely in the rock matrix.
The sediment within the fossils also has a distinct composition, being enriched in certain elements with respect to the rock matrix.