Sandra rocked fans with a superb live performance featuring her own band, an onstage DJ, plus completely new interpretations of her songs.
Let It Go has been critically acclaimed, despite being unknown to rock fans in most parts of the country.
Ms. Turner's story is well-known to rock fans and readers of her autobiography, "I, Tina."
Starting small and gradually building a local Russian fanbase, they are now known to rock fans throughout Eastern and Northern Europe.
They were almost done with the album, but Rubin thought that it needed an element that would appeal to rock fans as well.
It rocked the South African cricket world and fans as it was so unexpected.
Jim Morrison is better known to rock fans than to philatelists.
This anthology begs the question: Why should rock fans have to settle for one or the other?
But to rock fans with hindsight, Joni Mitchell gets the credit.
It's true that some of his later work sounded like the desperate effort of an aging star to sell records to rock fans.