Deprived of enlivening magic, the rock, too, collapsed.
The ground shivered as one soft rock deep beneath the tower collapsed in upon itself.
If you have drilled enough, the rock will collapse and the Sorren trapped inside will give you a clue.
As a volcano erupts, emptying the magma chamber, the surrounding rock will collapse into it.
The rock collapsed to a heap of frost-smashed rubble before her.
Following the explosion, the rock above the cavity may collapse, forming a rubble chimney.
It looks to have been there at one time, but the rock of the mountain where the temple used to be has collapsed.
From time to time, overlying rock collapsed into hollow chambers below, creating deep shafts.
Eventually, the uplifted rock collapsed under its own weight and over aeons eroded away, leaving an underlying crustal "root."
We would ride to the far end of the bay where the great rocks of the cliff had collapsed into the sea.