The rock fell well short of the climbers and bounced harmlessly past them.
The rock bounced toward the zombies, and then an incantation came to Midnight.
A rock from one of the kids hit the chest with a hollow thump and bounced into the water.
The rock rolled across to the far wall, bounced once more, and lay still.
He was halfway there when the li room window shattered, and a large rock bounced o far wall.
He fought briefly for control, then managed to right the body as the rock bounced harmlessly away.
Another rock that we had knocked loose up above was bouncing down behind me and it caught me again.
The loose stuff did not travel far, but the original balanced rock bounced and rolled for some distance before it came to rest.
A rock bounced high from the battlements, then fell onto the floor within.
The rock visible at the bottom was bouncing, it seemed, but not rolling over itself like a broken wave.