Trout and, increasingly, Falkland "mullet" (a kind of rock cod) are the catches.
In the 1970s many fin fish, particularly the rock cod, a high volume low value fish were exploited to near-extinction.
Following the collapse of the Illex industry in 2008/9, the rock cod has become, by weight, the most heavily harvested species in the area.
Hyperbenthos lives just above the sediment, i.e., a rock cod.
This fish are also commonly called spotted corsair, spotted rockfish, chinafish, and red rock cod.
His face was red as a rock cod and his spectacles were fogged over.
Notes indicate which boats fish for salmon, as well as bass, rock cod and others.
He pulled it in rapidly, hand under hand, and landed a big gasping rock cod in the bottom of the canoe.
"They'll try sea bass or rock cod, but they come back and say, 'I've got to have my salmon!"'
Coulda had a whole lion mane inside it or been bald as a rock cod.