For their part, employers have been hiring at a more robust pace than first appeared.
The report was a sign that the economy might be recovering at a little less robust pace than some had thought.
France spent most of last year growing and adding jobs at its most robust pace in years.
The economy is growing at a robust pace of nearly 4 percent a year.
It showed mainly what economists already knew: that the economy was not growing at a robust pace.
Even with the severe economic slowdown, giving has continued, but not at its former robust pace.
Monthly increases in prescriptions now total 1 to 2 percent, well below the robust pace of previous years.
With unemployment in March at 4.7 percent, the nation is still adding about 200,000 jobs a month - a fairly robust pace.
The reports were the latest signs that the economy continues to grow at a robust pace with low inflation.
Still, economists say the robust economic pace of late 1992 is probably already on the wane.