The robust international force established security.
Even if they did, we would still have a robust retaliatory force in our cruise missiles, since an S.D.I. cannot defend against them.
And we continue to have a robust force in the region prepared to do it.
A robust international force can help the Lebanese government assert its exclusive sovereignty over its territory against any possible Syrian, Iranian or Israeli encroachment.
Brig. Freddie Viggers, the British head of planning for the new troops, promised "a robust and combat-capable force" to carry out the United Nations mandate.
In China, power is maintained by robust police-state forces, and political legitimacy flows from how successfully the leaders ride the tiger of economic expansion.
He favors the maintenance of robust military forces but not the reckless use of them.
He said he wanted a "robust" force deployed around the country.
Mr. Bolton told reporters after a morning Security Council session that a robust international force needed to get on the ground in Lebanon as soon as possible.
Right now there is a fight within the administration over whether to allow a robust multinational force here, and whether to participate in it ourselves.