They were robotic creations of Doctor Mindbender, who used them to gain entry into Cobra.
A twist at the end of the story reveals that Mary was just one of his first robotic creations.
She has the ability to read and decipher the computer code that was used to make the General and other robotic creations during that time.
Technology had always been advanced on this Earth, but these new robotic creations were able to think and feel, and wielded powers beyond anything yet seen.
One of his robotic creations is destroyed by Superman.
Wayne instantly relaxed when he realized that the caller was one of his own robotic creations.
It uses a variety of robotic creations, energy weapons, high-velocity rail guns, and missiles.
Mega Man goes ahead, but is captured by one of Wily's giant robotic creations.
During the summer of 2012, the researchers solved key technical challenges allowing their robotic creation, nicknamed RoboBee, to take its first controlled flight.
Though Man has disappeared, his robotic creations (and their creations in turn) continue to function.