The name then came to apply to the successful line of robots manufactured by the company.
The robot, manufactured by Himeji Softworks, was presented at the International Robot Exhibition 2009.
I ended up behind alien lines, and I learned that there are no aliens-they're all robots manufactured by Lady A to fool us into this action.
Kondo can refer to the KHR-Series humanoid robots manufactured by Kondo Kagaku.
"You can't go into a modern factory in America today and find a robot manufactured in America."
Bender is a foul-mouthed, heavy-drinking, cigar-smoking, kleptomaniacal, misanthropic, egocentric, ill-tempered robot manufactured by Mom's Friendly Robot Company.
Bender is a high-tech robot; he is a Unit 22 from a series of bending robots manufactured by Mom's Friendly Robot Company.
Rovio is a Wi-Fi enabled robot manufactured by WowWee which lets you view what the robot's webcam sees from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Is a low cost 7.5M JPY humanoid robot manufactured by Kawada KK of Japan.
The robots manufactured by Rossum's Universal Robots (the "R.U.R." of the title) were androids.