Then the robots grabbed us from below.
Once it receives a request, the robot will roll out from a docking station, travel to the correct aisle and grab the relevant cardboard case.
The robot grabbed Ariel by the shoulders and flung her out of his way, slamming her against the wall.
Instantly, both robots grabbed him in their powerful arms and held him fixed and helpless.
Just as he noticed that his arm was throwing a faint shadow across the monitors, the robot whirled and grabbed his throat in a hard squeeze.
Even as he did so the robot reached out one hand and grabbed the pair of barrels, crushing the weapons in its powerful grip.
Arriving at the thicket, the robot reached down, grabbed my grandfather by the arm and jerked him out of there, then marched him up the hill.
I threw him, he got up--and then the two robots grabbed us.
The portal into outer blackness squealed open once again, and the robot grabbed Bill and started to push.
So at zero time, the robot will grab the control bar and pull it firmly toward himself.