PRODIGY 175 THE THREE CRACKED CHEEKS: Following the traumatic near-destruction of Robot City by environmental disruption, Lucius was not the only robot driven to seek a deeper comprehension of the Laws of Humanics through emulating humans.
But Unimation stuck with complicated and leak-prone hydraulic technology, whereas foreign rivals switched to simpler and more reliable robots driven by electric motors.
On the sunside, Starr finds the source of the sabotage in a Sirian robot, driven by solar radiation to forego the Three Laws of Robotics so that it attacks him before he can question it.
There was no appeal against a robot driven by a First Law imperative--especially an Inferno-built robot.
The two robots, driven by the First Law, sprang forward to meet the predator.
There were few other trucks moving at that hour of the night, and they were all robot driven.
After fighting his way through malfunctioning robots and miners driven mad by hubbardium exposure, Arnold meets up with a member of the Association of Freelance Prospector's named Paolo Bellini.