From the figure, a black robe whipped sideways from the force of the wind, and a long ribbon of black hair waved like a pennant.
His robe whipped upward, turning him until his face was directed downward into the abyss.
It was too cool to be outside without shoes, and his robe whipped around his knees in the morning breeze.
Slipping on the wet deck, his red robes whipped about him in the wind that was blowing stronger every moment.
His robe whipped and spun around him like a whirl of midnight.
Rincewind's robe whipped around him, but he did not wake.
He stepped back, spreading his arms so that the robe whipped around him.
His robe whipped to the pulse of a sudden gust.
Sheeana's threadbare robe whipped against the thin surface of her patched stillsuit.
Sahdri's robes whipped in the wind.