Me was a white man dressed in a long white robe covered with tiny red crosses.
It wore a robe covered with planetary symbols.
She wore a dark, shapeless, ungirt robe covered with patches and stains.
He is an old man in a blue robe covered with marvelously em-broidered astronomical icons.
She wore a flowing robe covered with elaborate embroidery and her earrings, necklace and rings had much jade in them.
In another moment Ben was confronted by the bizarre figure of a small wizard wearing a strange robe covered with symbols of obscure meaning.
He wore a straw headpiece and a robe of white gauze, covered with patches to show his wretchedness.
A few elderly men, their robes covered in mysterious occult symbols, stood aside and watched with interest as the sextet passed.
He gestured at the visitor's bright robe, covered with inscriptions and fancy embroidered figures.
They are dressed in long red robes covered with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and pearls.