Even her voluminous robe could not conceal her enticing figure.
They are very small; Israelite robes are very loose and concealing.
The men did not seem convinced; they could see the girls' healthy hands and young bodies, which the robes could not conceal.
The group included a dozen or so people dressed in plain, dark brown robes, each person's face concealed by a blank plaster mask.
Guards' crimson robes conceal armor more advanced than stormtrooper armor.
The deacon's robe had concealed a body that was just skin stretched over bone.
A crimson robe and a tall, pointed hood concealed the face and body of that figure, but not his identity.
A tall, sparse-haired man whose bulky scarlet-wool robe could not conceal his weight problem moved into the room.
The thick robes and cowled hood of the cleric could not conceal his immense size.
Sharina couldn't see the queen's feet because the flowing robe concealed them.