The company, in Wisconsin, makes stock reductions the old-fashioned way, with roasted bones, fresh vegetables, herbs and spices that are simmered to aromatic perfection, then flash frozen.
Smith says "in the end the governor is going to be doomed while blokes like me will take the pickings of his roasted bones and dance like maniacs around his Borstal's ruins".
He explained that a stock starts with roasted bones, and a base is a mix of dehydrated vegetables and spices.
The roasted bones infuse the broth for his ramen, served with a confit of pork shoulder and pork belly cooked in smoked pork fat.
In a fait-tout, Dutch oven or other heavy pot, preferably earthenware, layer meats, seasoning with salt, and place bouquet garni and roasted bones between layers.
Whippy would try to rescue them but sometimes found only roasted bones.
Ma opened the oven and took out the pile of roasted bones, crisp and brown, with plenty of gnawing meat left.
Allow the roasted bones to cool until they can be handled.
The dish, as I made it, was strictly out of Escoffier, and it required the use of a tarragon-flavored demi-glace, or brown sauce, made with the roasted bones of a chicken.
They cracked the roasted bones between two rocks, and out slid long cylindrical lumps of the rich yellow marrow, as thick as a man's arm and twice as long.