The main road skirts the town to the south after crossing the river; before that point there is some ribbon development along the Hastings road.
The same road skirts the shores of Töölönlahti even today.
There's a place where you turn off the main road, about a mile from my house, where the road skirts a quarry.
For the rest of today, the road skirts the edge of this mountain, high upon the slope.
Up ahead, Tom saw where the road skirted the edge of the cliff.
The road continued past the town, and skirted the shore of the lake.
Just there the road skirts it near.
The road skirted the village green; we left Rufo there and sought out the rumormonger.
The road skirted us around the southeast corner of the Atlanta sprawl.
The road skirted the edge of the clearing for about a klick or so before it swung back into the jungle.