The commission elicited riveting public testimony from police officers about systematic corruption.
"You've been listening to less than riveting testimony," he said with a frankness that seemed to surprise even him.
"In watching four days of riveting testimony by a man who was like a son to me," he said.
They showed little interest in exploring the possibility that Ms. Hill's riveting and compelling testimony might be false.
Her riveting testimony in 2001 helped convince two Texas legislative committees to vote in favor of moratorium legislation.
A jury ultimately convicted him on 204 counts of misdemeanor fraud, and eventually, Tweed confessed his guilt in 11 days of riveting public testimony.
In them, he has captured some of the most stirring legal debates, bald-faced lies, riveting testimony and impassioned pleas, not to mention tearful confessions.
It was hardly riveting testimony.
In riveting testimony, the woman, speaking through an interpreter, told the jurors that she tried to placate the man, pleading with him to stop.
In four hours of riveting testimony today, Ben Johnson's coach said the 27-year-old sprinter had used anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs since 1981.