Many writers have been irresistibly drawn to this primordial, riveting book.
The first of these attempts, which occurred almost 50 years ago to this day, is the subject of Stephen Kinzer's riveting new book.
Robert D. Richardson called it "a brilliant, powerful, nervy, unsettling, and riveting book.
As this short, riveting book turns to the war itself, it allows for heroism, but dwells more on what went wrong.
This riveting book should not be ignored.
But "Taking Charge" is a riveting book nevertheless.
(For an easy-to-understand account of Arrow's argument, see this riveting new book on market failure.)
Anyone who enjoys military history will find Gates of Fire irresistible-a riveting book.
Perhaps you'd rather stay here and read your riveting book.
Not to sound self-congratulatory, but we found the book riveting.