During the Mesozoic, when the Earth became much warmer, 251 to 140 Ma, the Australian landmass was covered with riverine plains.
These northern ranges separate the plateau from the heavily populated riverine plains of northern India.
The area is mountainous and hilly with a small strip of low lying riverine plain along the western side of the Chamdur Valley.
There was a period when the Dinkas had formed an alliance with the Nuer, a bordering tribe with whom they shared-and often feuded over-livestock grazing areas and water resources in the riverine plains around the White Nile.
Northern riverine plains (Murray Valley & Riverina)
Unlike other contemporary Celtic oppida, Manching was not located on a hilltop, but in a riverine plain.
The coast of the bay is characterised by intertidal mud, sand and salt flats as well as mangroves, while the riverine plain is fringed by paperbark forests and woodlands.
C Map Before glass and steel towers began growing out of the flat monotony of Bangkok's riverine plain, the massive Golden Mount (Phu Khao Thong) was the only structure to make any significant impression on the horizon.
He further noted that "many nomad and Bedouin encampments, distinguished by their black tents, were scattered about the riverine plain, their flocks and herds grazing round them."
Bihar lies in the riverine plain of the Ganga basin area and is endowed with fertile Gangetic alluvial soil with abundant water resources, particularly ground water resources.