The river churned through the valley a thousand feet below, like static on the radio.
One recent Sunday morning, the river started out as placid, but was soon churning with boats.
The river itself churned among the boulders and raced for the pass in the hills.
The river churned beside them slug- gishly as they walked, choked with rainwater and debris.
About the same time, the trees began to shimmy, the river alongside the trail churned as if stirred by millions of giant fish, and the ground shuddered.
Across the grass, about a hundred paces away, a river of dark water churned and hammered through steep banks.
The river churned and roiled, moving swiftly to their left.
"I've seen rivers churn like this a few times before-but never this much."
Overhead, slate gray clouds rumbled ominously, while below, the river churned a brownish-green.
The river churned with blood, foamed with the dead and dying.