Hunched next to the lake is a hydroelectric power plant built by the river authority in the early 1970's.
Most river authorities have detailed maps showing the geographical limits of floods in relation to their return periods.
In 1974 all of the river authorities were merged into the Regional Water Authorities.
The river authorities were abolished in 1973, with their powers and duties passing to the water authorities established by the Water Act 1973.
It also took over two river authorities, responsible for control of water pollution:
Catchment boards were set up, which in 1948 became river boards, and in 1964 river authorities.
The river authorities used the opportunity to upgrade the system to cope with this run-off and to solve several local problems.
The river boards were replaced by twenty-seven river authorities on April 1, 1965, under the Water Resources Act 1963.
Water resources management was entrusted to 29 river authorities created in 1965.
'The low water table affects everyone here, from the farmers to the river authorities,' he added.