In the 19th century, the British promoted it as a rival port to Buenos Aires.
And so it was: a rival port to Boston, 40 miles to the south, in the 1700's and a cosmopolitan center of shipbuilding, commerce, craftsmanship and letters.
His long struggle to prevent the development of a rival port in neighbouring Parton was finally lost in the last months of Lowther's life.
New York subsidized this service which undercut rival ports.
Other major rival ports to London in the country are Felixstowe and Southampton, which handle the most and second-most number of containers of British ports.
The Sultanate of Banten aspired to retake the port city and also to put down Banten's rival port.
The result was that Bristol lost further ground to it rival ports.
Kpengla believed that this situation would result in the Oyo moving their trade from rival ports like Porto-Novo into the Dahomey port of Whydah.
Having fulfilled his part of the agreement, Kpengla grew angry when Oyo and Porto-Novo continued to trade actively as a rival port to Whydah.
Cleisthenes, nothing loth to suppress a rival port in a good cause, joined the war and seems to have brought it to a successful conclusion.