A rival explanation, that didgeridoo is a corruption of the Irish language (Gaelic) phrase dúdaire dubh or dúidire dúth, is controversial.
These are considered to rule out any rival plausible explanations and thus help to guarantee validity.
Indeed, no intelligent design hypothesis has even been ventured as a rival explanation of any biological phenomenon.
Four are essential to case study methods: iteration, OTTR, triangulation, and ruling out rival explanations.
Two rival explanations are put forward for the "double attestation" of Matthew and Luke regarding the virgin birth of Jesus:
The researchers will rule out factors or threats as rival explanations of the relationship between the variables that are present.
Like many areas of sociology, the sociology of punishment lends itself to (often radically) differing approaches which provide rival explanations of penality.
The rise of quantum chromodynamics, a rival explanation of the strong force, led to a temporary loss of interest in string theories until the 1980s when interest was revived.
When these methods are applied to determine cause, auditors are concerned with eliminating rival explanations.
Considerable practical implications derive from a selection between these rival explanations of the enforceability of contracts.