The rival bills set the stage for the Council to stake out its own position on a divisive issue.
A rival bill in the House proposes halting all site selection during a complete review.
They defeated two rival bills, as well as 10 attempts by Republicans to change their bill enough that it would have to be sent to a conference committee.
The rival bill, offered by Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, would raise the limit to $3,000.
Mr. Hagel has a rival bill that is being promoted behind the scenes by the White House.
A rival bill to ban just reproductive cloning was also introduced.
Eventually, in 1857, two rival bills were put before Parliament.
The bipartisan legislation approved by the House was pitted against three rival bills and 10 amendments.
Republicans and Democrats have offered rival bills reflecting different philosophies over how much Federal regulation is needed.
But only the rival bill would make legal benefits contingent on the commanders' making good on these requirements.