The dead are not embalmed prior to interment; instead, the preparers ritually wash the body within a few hours after death and clothe it in simple white garments.
Lavabo: A server administers the water to the Priest as he ritually washes his hands.
Netilat yadayim ("Raising [after ritually washing] the hands"), also known as Mayim Rishonim.
Inside the building were small basins fed by water conduits in the back wall, suggesting that this building was a place where pilgrims to the spring would ritually wash and purify themselves.
The pilgrim can also ritually wash his eyes at a line of faucets.
Then she ritually washes the face of the child as it is believed that the water which passes the hands of the baba on Babinden has cleansing properties.
32 From ancient times to the present, many Christians have reenacted this scene as if it, like the last supper, offered directions for a ritual; so, on the Thursday before Easter, the pope of the Roman Catholic Church takes the role of Jesus and ritually washes the feet of his cardinals.
The ceremony is led by a kohen, who ritually washes his hands, recites the blessing over bread, and partakes of some bread before beginning the ceremony.
Ibn al-Mughallis was also a student of Muhammad bin Dawud al-Zahiri, whose body he ritually washed as part of the Islamic funeral rite.
Muslims ritually wash their feet before praying five times a day.