My agent suggested that the man perform a forbidden ritual designed to invoke the presence of Wisdom.
So women had danced in primordial times, offering themselves to a surrogate of the Earth God; a ritual designed to make the ground fertile, the harvest good.
The film explains a new Jewish ritual designed to celebrate women on their 60th birthday.
There are several rituals designed to bring the main personality into contact with his own daimones and establish organization and control among them.
One person may perform a ritual designed to help the entire community, while the community may actually stand outside the Sacred Space of the ritual.
The bride's unmarried friends used the pieces in rituals designed to predict the identity of their future husbands.
Every N.B.A. team seems to have some kind of pregame ritual, designed for players to whip themselves into a frenzied state.
The Neanderthal society, based on a matriarchal system, is drawn as peace loving with elaborate social rituals designed to resolve problems.
The mummy's mouth would later be opened in an ritual designed to symbolize breathing, giving rise to legends about resurrected mummies.
The condition is believed to be treatable through Christian prayers or elaborate traditional rituals designed to exorcise the imbibed demonic elements.