On ABC News she said, "Riskier borrowers pay more for loans just like riskier drivers pay more for car insurance.
Besides raising prices, insurers are reducing or eliminating discounts and screening applicants more carefully so that they apply the highest rates to the riskiest drivers and simply refuse to sell to some.
The old trestles were used by risky drivers however they were removed and the road was fixed to accommodate passenger cars and trucks.
They have argued that the new program, like the J.U.A. before it, keeps rates for risky drivers artificially low.
In 2008, the company unveiled RiskPredict pattern-recognition software that assists in predicting the riskiest drivers within a fleet.
The risky drivers are undesirable for some reason, and cannot purchase insurance through conventional means.
Our research, and that of some other investigators, however, shows that inexperienced drinkers are abnormally risky drivers regardless of their age.
They have argued that the new program, like the Joint Underwriting Association, keep rates for risky drivers artificially low.
He worries about increased government involvement in setting rates, in particular the "adjustments" for riskier drivers.
But their rates are still lower than those for single men of the same age, who are considered the most risky drivers to insure.