Smugglers risk substantial fines, a permanent bar from Canada, and imprisonment.
Under the Act, directors risk large fines and prison sentences in the case of accounting crimes.
Violators risk fines of between $25 and $100.
The concept was that local officials felt powerless in the face of the federal courts and could not risk fines or jail.
Manufacturers risk fines if they fail to drop the words.
If the editor goes to court as a representative of the company, thus risking big corporate fines, how far must he or she consult with management?
Under the new immigration law, after being warned, people who hire them risk fines of $10,000 and six months in prison.
If caught, offenders risk heavy fines or even imprisonment.
They risk fines and a suspended license if they break the rules.
Companies sending trucks to accident scenes without being called risked fines or license suspension.