His Shylock is not a monster to risk charges of anti-Semitism, but neither is he very persuasive as the humiliated outsider.
It risks charges of cultural Stalinism if it cancels grants to groups that ignore its new policy.
But the sponsors and candidates agreed they should participate, because to do otherwise would seem un-Democratic and could risk charges of unfairness, even racial injustice.
The Spanish would not have risked public charges against such a prominent figure.
After that incident, Mr. Linares was warned that he risked criminal charges if the boy died.
Public discussion of even that possibility is a striking change from the Chun years, when anyone raising the corruption issue risked criminal charges of "defaming the state."
An unconditional release, on the other hand, would risk charges that dangerous criminals have been freed without review.
The bill was modeled after similar legislation in British Columbia, and was intended to allow medical professionals to apologize to patients without risking legal charges.
However, even during periods of peace, many pacifists still refuse to register for or report for military duty, risking criminal charges.
Hall did not return to Richmond in June and risked charges of treason for doing so.