American forces rose from 16,000 during 1964 to more than 553,000 by 1969.
Officials expect the number to rise to 20 to 30 during the next few years.
The county's population rose by nearly a quarter during the 90's from about 240,000 people to more than 297,000.
The population rose to more than 100 million during the Song period.
Because of this, interest rates will rise around the world during the early 1990's.
However, the population rises to 4,000 people during the summer.
The number of children in poverty rose by more than 600,000 during the same period to 12.2 million.
The number of television shooting days rose 113 percent to 7,680 during the same period.
It might rise during the night and make the rest of the trip more difficult.
Best Buy's profit rose 75 percent during the same period.