The price could fall if the cost of its raw materials rose temporarily, for example, or if the dollar strengthened and reduced overseas earnings.
When this happens, the unemployment rate may temporarily rise again before it starts declining.
There are certain factors that can cause blood pressure to temporarily rise.
On an otherwise healthy individual, the jugular venous pressure remains constant or temporarily rises for a heartbeat or two, before returning to normal.
Hence, when Romania and Bulgaria joined in 2007, the number of seats temporarily rose to 785, but drop back to 736 at the 2009 election.
In January 2009, oil prices rose temporarily because of tensions in the Gaza Strip.
Some survived sporadically because of financial collapses while others temporarily rose to the highest levels of competition when other tournaments weren't held.
But the dollar, despite rising temporarily yesterday, failed to close above its level of the day before against the mark.
Prices rise so fast that stores throughout the city close temporarily in the middle of the day to attach new price tags.
The greenroads rose temporarily beyond the labyrinth shields and armor of the ship.