The rise of the one-hour shops stems in part from the relative ease with which they can be started.
Traders said that yesterday's rise, like Monday's decline, stemmed mostly from technical factors.
Christie's rise in sales stemmed from exactly the same areas.
The apparent rise of Canada's illegal film industry stems from several factors.
The sharp rise in debt stems partly from lower tax revenues and higher federal spending related to the recent severe recession.
The rise of women stems in part from government initiatives aimed at propelling them to the upper ranks of politics.
From this stemmed the rise in illegitimacy.
Ms. Nayowith said the rise in the percentage of children born into poverty stemmed mainly from increases among white and Asian families.
In her view, this rise mainly stems from the European liberalization of the energy sector, jointly implemented by right wing and socialist governments since 1996.
The big rise in the February deficit, compared with a $2.17 billion January imbalance, stemmed from a sharp drop in revenues.