"I'm standing still just short of the Bridge, while snow is relentlessly rising around me."
As evidence that the uprising does not die, the casualty count continues to rise relentlessly.
But on the morning of Dec. 26, there was no explanation for the relentlessly rising sea.
But once an hour, they spit out a number, and for decades, it has been rising relentlessly.
A tidal wave rising relentlessly from the sea of her soul flooded Lessa.
The answers take on added significance because the demand for organs, which has always outstripped supply, is rising relentlessly.
With stock prices relentlessly rising, and without the safety of a hedge, losses would grow quickly.
Now she had to shout in order to make herself heard over the relentlessly rising wind.
The proportion of Americans without insurance declined in 1999 and 2000, after rising relentlessly for a decade, even when the economy was booming.
Stocks are volatile but no longer rising relentlessly.